I have been looking for shoes for my
sister's wedding for some time now. I want closed toe (the wedding's in December) simple, and black to go with the dress. This is the dress, only without the big silver bow/sash.

I hate the round toe shoes that are so popular these days. I just don't think they are very attractive, especially for a fancy dress. They look so little girl and clunky. I wanted something patent and sexy. I was so excited when I found these shoes at
Target for only $19.99! I couldn't order them fast enough. They were black patent, sexy, not too high, and the toe was not too pointy, not too round. Agree?

Imagine my disappointment when I opened the box that my friendly UPS delivery man brought to me this morning to find these.

That is so NOT what I had in mind. Look how round and short the toe is! It doesn't look anything like the shoe in the picture. At least not to me. And they look even worse on.

This looks like a picture of Claire's foot in little girl's shoes. Yuck. These are going back to Target tomorrow and the search for the perfect shoe continues...
Have you tried zappos.com ? They have a HUGE selection!! P.S. I love your blog title, I am more of a Kubota Mom myself. :) :) :)
I can't wear pretty shoes. A combined issue of Fred Flintstone feet and heel spurs. And when you are so used to Crocs and Birkenstocks, everything else feels so very strange. And confining. And painful.
That's why like zappos. You can look at the shoe from TONS of angles. I think it looks like the same shoe but the pic was defintely taken at an angle that would lead you to believe that the toe area is longer.
Yeah, that's totally disappointing. I wouldn't have anticipated what you got, either. Of course, this means you get to do more shoe shopping, and I'm not sure how that's such a bad thing.
I have been in wedding shoe shopping too! My sister gets married in November, and I am having a he!! of a time finding something that I think is sophisticated enough, but not too old looking for a young wedding. ugh. i feel your pain.
Yeah, I was all digging them till you showed the way they looked from up. They do look like little girl shoes. Keep on searching cause I know the perfect ones are out there.
Check these out. I didn't have time for tiny url. Sorry!
They do look like little girl shoes, but they are cute...
But I agree, not what I'd want to wear. So sorry! That's a drawback of Internet shopping. I've had that happen to me before too.
I like them!
I love love love the dress.
Hope you enjoyed your day off!
The dress is gorgeous...the shoes...not so much...they are big fat hairy shoe liars! How dare they! Hopefully the perfect shoes will manifest themselves before the big day.
I *LOVE* the dress! Those shoes definitely needed an aerial view that's for sure!
I agree with someone else that said try Zappo's.
Don't you just hate that?!?! Cute dress! I would try zappos, or local dept. stores too. I am a big "have to try it on first" person! Good luck and keep us posted!
So sorry they weren't the perfect shoe. I have wide feet so I hate shopping for shoes...I would almost rather hide them in a work boot!!! Do you have a DSW Warehouse by you? They have tons of shoes....and usually sales...
Zappos, girl...it's where I get 90% of my footwear.
Or, if you're wanting uber-chic and uber-chic, Forever 21. I bought a pair of purple satin heels from there tonight, in fact. And they have several cute black pairs.
Great dress, by the way. Happy shoe hunting!
Good luck on your shoe search!
Your blog caught my eye today from another blog (Just a Little Something) because of your blog name (sheesh i said blog 3 times in one sentence...and now that's four - ack!) and the fact that I have a little John Deere thing in my blog post today.
By the way, I love the colors and patterns on your blog.
Yep, that definitely looks like a little Russian immigrant girl foot. Pointy toe is the way to go. Good luck, hope you find the perfect shoe to go with that perfect dress.
I don't like them. In any picture. Sorry. Not even the first one looks attractive to me. The whole strap thing irks me. I do love the dress. I don't like heels in any tiny way though. You know that.
Yuck, wedding shoe shopping! I found the shoes I wore for my wedding at Sam Moon and so did one of my bridesmaids. Yes, we spent hours trying them on and measuring the heels so I would have the perfect height for my dress, but they had a huge selection. Not sure if there is one anywhere near you, but if there is you might want to check it out AND best of all they are a cheaper store!
Sorry, me again. I just realized DUH, I bought a pair of more pointy toe black shoes with a heel at Kohl's last weekend that I am wearing for a dressy company party.
Im with you! You need more of a point. too little girly!
the dress--very sexy and chic. the shoes--not so much.
i don't care for patenet leather amd i don't think they'd go well with the dress. i agree though. the toe has to be a bit pointy to be sexy enough for the dress.
remember how sexy our favorite dancers look in shoes that are almost stilettos? they make their legs look really sexy.
HI SITSta! You were ahead of me in roll call this morning, so I came by to say, "hi"!:) I agree about the rounded toe shoes, I've tried them several times and always think I look like Miss Piggy. :)
found you on sits and was going to tell you to try Zappo's but I see others already told you that. Good luck. I hate buying shoes
I'm with Scargosun...Zappos is the ONLY way to go.
You pay a little more, but I swear, you get them the next day and supper easy to return if you need to.
You need a medium heel, pointed toe, goes with ANYthing shoe.
Stopping by to tell you about my GiveAway! I started an online coffee shop Get The Bean and to celebrate we are giving away a 1 pound bag of coffee (or tea if you prefer) every week in October. To enter visit: www.getthebean.blogspot.com
If you are interested in raising money for your favorite cancer charity for an entire year go to: www.gtbfightscancer.blogspot.com
Thanks so much and have a great day!
Thanks for the shoe advice, everyone. I looked through zappos...but there are SOOO many it's a little intimidating. AND every pair I like is over $400!! I am going to look at a few stores "in person." Scargosun-I really like the pair you sent. I like the extra little detail. I will have to see if I can find them at the nearest Ann Taylor. Thanks!
Those are SOOOOOOOOOO not the pair in the picture. I hope your search proves fruitful for you. The dress is stunning BTW. Make sure you gets lots of pics.
I thought of you when I was at Kohl's today. I some shoes that looked almost like these but had more point in the toe. I think you might have liked them :)
Hope you have found some by now!
i hate the disapointment that sometimes comes with online shopping!
i tagged you for a fun meme over at my place. i hope you decide to play.
oh god, those are horrible. I hate target.com for that reason, their pictures are always so much better than the product.
You may want to try ninashoes.com. They are expensive, but I love the pair that I have and I wear them everytime I have to get dressed up (christmas parties, etc) in the winter.
I have to agree: the dress is super cute, but Target straight up LIED about those shoes.
I HATE shoe shopping. Almost as much as dress shopping.
Those are cute shoes, but not with that dress. The picture didn't look like the real deal at all.
Boo Target. ~I never thought I would say THAT.~
You know, photos are so misleading. I agree though, I'd take them back. They're not what you wanted!
I agree. Eww. Hope you've gotten luckier since this post...
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