Saturday, November 29, 2008
'Tis the Season
And what would Christmas be without morons wrestling each other to the ground for an XBOX?
And what about a man being trampled to death at Wal-Mart?
Really...isn't that what Christmas is all about?
Oh isn't?
You mean it's about celebrating the birthday of Jesus? And about showing peace, love, and goodwill to others?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Half Past Jimmy Neutron
Wubbzy's on! Time to get the kids up!
Magic School Bus is over? Time to head to daycare!
Maggie and the Ferocious Beast? Weekend! Lunchtime!
Blue's Clues is already on?! Crap! Supper's late!
Max and Ruby? Bathtime!
Max and Ruby's over?! Quick! Change the channel before Dora comes's Claire's bedtime!
First commercial during Spongebob? Goodnight, Cole!
Am I the only one who does this?!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
So far this Saturday...
2. I cleaned up the house, got laundry going, cleaned up the kitchen.
3. Got everyone dressed. Well, I let my husband dress himself this time.
4. Left the house at 8:30 to go Christmas shopping.
5. Hit Starbucks in the next town over. Love you, Peppermint Mocha!
6. Went to Super Target.
7. Heard Cole scream, "A clock, a clock, a REAL LIVE CLOCK!" Now...that doesn't sound too interesting until you take all the l sounds out. Go ahead. Yell that with no ls at the top of your lungs in Target and see if you don't get a few looks. And in my defense, he has seen a clock before...this one happened to be a Cuckoo clock. A big deal, apparently.
8. Shopped a few more stores.
9. Watched a moron drive into traffic leaving a parking lot. Went all the way through the drive into oncoming traffic, then turned RIGHT across 6 lanes of traffic from the wrong direction. Wanna guess what she was driving? A BUICK!!
10. Went to Chick-Fil-A for the FIRST time. I love you, Chick-Fil-A. Not only did you serve Diet Dr. Pepper, but your kind cashier brought our tray of delicious lunch to us, you had cow Pez dispensers, your french fries are the B-O-M-B, and the play area?! When can we move in?
Now I am seriously considering putting up the Christmas tree...if I decide to get out of this chair and quit drinking coffee, that is.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Best Holiday Movies
I will give you a minute to quit laughing and/or google the movie to find the release date.
Yeah. July 2002. Pathetic, I know.
Then there was Cole's first movie this summer. I took him to see Kung Fu Panda. We left about halfway through the movie when he became bored.
But, I do love watching movies...especially holiday movies. Here is the list of my Top 5 Favorite Holiday Movies. (See how I capitalized that to make it seem very important and official?)

4. Jingle All The Way. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that this is one of my favorite holiday movies. For some reason I can't watch it enough. Arnold? Not the best actor. I think the reason is probably Sinbad. I do love some Sinbad. He is hilarious in this movie about trying to get the "it" toy gift of the season.

2. Home for the Holidays. This was a tough decision between movie 1 and 2. Holly Hunter is just about the best thing ever. And Robert Downey, Jr? Fan.tastic. They are super funny in this dysfunctional family movie. The gay brother, anal sister, sex-having's got it all. If you haven't seen it, get it this weekend. won't be sorry.

1. Christmas Vacation. Not a year goes by that we don't watch this movie. It is the funniest Christmas movie. We quote it constantly. Some of my favorite quotes from the movie:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's officially cold...
I love baking cookies and drinking hot cocoa. Well, the kids and husband drink the hot cocoa...I have coffee.
I don't do a lot of decorating for Christmas, but I love putting out all my snowmen around the house. I am looking forward to getting help decorating the tree this year. We have a tall (9ft), skinny-ish artificial tree that goes in the corner of the living room. We always put it up the weekend of Thanksgiving. I love having it up early, but I take it down the day or two right after Christmas. Once it's's over.
We don't put outdoor lights up, but I LOVE driving around looking at the lights. We have already found a few houses with lights up!
I love playing in the snow with the kids and watching the guys drive the tractor around shoveling snow from the driveway.
Then there's a little something called Christmas Break! As much as I love teaching and going to work everyday, those 2 weeks off are so fantastic. It's a great time to relax after the holidays, get some bargains at after Christmas sales, and just chill out with the fam.
What's your favorite thing about winter? The snow? The tree? The fact that it will be over soon?!

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Super Sunday
Next stop: Target. We were there for.ever. Have you seen the shoes at Target lately? One word-puke.
No such shoe luck for me...although Little Miss did walk away with a cute new pair of tennis shoes.
Don't think I left Cole out. For enduring nearly 6 hours of agonizing shoe shopping, he was rewarded handsomely with a Catepillar (shhhhh...don't tell Daddy!) loader.
After Target we stopped at Starbucks for my second peppermint mocha of the season. Oh, how I love those red cups.

After lunch, I was getting desperate. I had looked everywhere for shoes and was getting frustrated. The only store left in the town was Sears. I know...I wasn't even going to go but I figured I might as well.
and I spent just over $70.00 for all 5 pair! Woo hoo! (The wedding shoes are the second pair from the left.)
When we finally got home, we settled in with hot cocoa and made some sugar cookies.
Hope your weekend was as fantastic as ours!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just your average Monday evening

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Can you handle the random?
My sister stayed with us Friday night. Hubby and I went out to dinner with my cousin and her husband. Had a great meal and even better pina coladas at their house. Then the salad bar gave me major heart burn and we had to leave.
The kids marvel at Aunt Susie's long hair and love to help her brush it. Well, Claire loves to brush it. Cole said, "Susie, you need a haircut!" and then he immediately put something to her head. She freaked for a second thinking it was scissors. Luckily it was just a plastic saw. Cole liked "brushing" it with random tools.

The kids brought along Mr. Potato head to play in the car. They decided to become Potato Head kids.

The other day I was busy. Okay, I was on the computer but I am SURE it was important work. Little Miss asked me if she could have yogurt. I muttered, "Yes." Then she came out with 4 containers of yogurt, all opened, with a spoon in each one...very pleased with herself. Me? Not as pleased.
I am enjoying a lazy Sunday. We had breakfast at a new little diner this morning. I picked up a little bit, got some laundry done. We ran errands. Now I am going to make a pot of chili and soak in a bubble bath. I am sure I will have an audience.
Oh, and I changed things up around here. Whatcha think?

Monday, November 3, 2008
Mouse Tale
A mouse. A real live for real mouse. In my bathtub frantically trying to get out. It would run up the side of the tub and slide back down. Apparently not a lot of traction on mouse feet. I freaked out, ran into the family room and grabbed the nearest killing machine.I grabbed Noodles, threw her into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut before she even know what was going on. I waited a minute, heard a few squeaks, and slowly opened the door.
She ran out with the mouse in her mouth. Hooray! Good kitty!
Then she dropped the mouse and it ran into the toys.
Sonofa! Bad kitty!
Jose and Bear joined in the search for the mouse. It was behind a bunch of toy tractors and a basket full of more toy tractors. At this point I was standing on the toilet in the other bathroom trying to put my makeup on all the while keeping an eye on the situation. My husband got down and started moving the toys out of the way.
Suddenly the mouse ran INSIDE the recliner. It out ran 2 dogs and a cat. I was still standing on the toilet sweating my makeup right off as my head was about 6 inches from the light.
Then Jose made his way under the recliner and chased the mouse out. Noodles grabbed it! Hooray! Good kitty!
She immediately drops it and the mouse runs under the couch.
Sonofa! Bad kitty!
At this point the kids were waking up and it was time to get them dressed and ready for daycare.
I am really hoping my husband and/or Noodles and/or Jose took care of the mouse after we left. Otherwise, I will spend the majority of my evening standing on furniture squealing like a city girl.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
I'm John Deere Mom and I approve this message
However, if a certain presidential candidate calls me past 9:00 p.m. or on Sunday morning again...I might just have to change my vote.