Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Guess how many days I have before Christmas Break...

Pin It!


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I've been meaning totell you how adorable your header is. Do you make those yourself? If so, bravo!!!
Your post tomnight is adorable. It took me a couple pics to get it but I finally did. That Brad Pitt threw me off. I don't remember any sunshine in that movie--just darkness. I used to teach--HeadStart--and we all embraced our time off, too.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Did I say adorable twice? And where is my spellcheck? Anyway, I should have said--thought-provoking. Definitely, thought-provoking.

Becky said...

Too funny! I got that first picture right away! loved that movie!

Tara Bennett said...

I can't believe it - two weeks til Christmas! Aaaah!

Finding Normal said...

HOORAY! This reminds me of last May! LOL
And if you subtract next Tuesday and Friday...
Cannot wait!

Lindsay said...

Not too long now! Don't let the kids drive you too crazy :)

Michelle said...

Excied much? Thanks for you comment!!

Anonymous said...

AAAACCCKKKKK! I have got to get busy shopping, cooking, cleaning ! Slow down the clock.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I think all of us are secretly counting down the time. I love having my kids home and doing things centered around our family. I hope that you have a great time off.

Loved the wedding pictures by the way.

Shelley said...

Would that be uhm,,,,seven? I think our entire student body is gone nuts. Seven days here as well.
Hey, I tagged you over on my blog. I hope you can stop by and play.

Tinabean said...

I can see your counting down the days.
I would be to.
Your sister looks so beautiful I'm glad that everything went well & the wedding was nice.

Anonymous said...

Your excitement is palpable, and contagious.


Caroline said...


(Totally kidding...I'm not blind, or stupid)

My mom has that many days until she retires from the school system. I think she's probably about to bounce out of her chair with excitement.

KimmyJ said...

I know you must be so excited!! Enjoy it to the fullest, my dear, you deserve it!

sassy stephanie said...

How funny.

I love the movie!

Connie said...

After today we have 8. Tick Tock ... tick tock ...

Christy said...

ME TOO ME TOO!!!!!! Can NOT wait!

Tiffany said...

okay, how good was that movie? Blonde hair flying in the wind when the box is opened.... 7 more days!