Monday, July 14, 2008

Because I am never one to turn down a challenge...

MamaKat has given us a little creative writing assignment in an attempt at earning another chance in her giveaway. I love a challenge...

During college in a class on epistemology (which was a MAJOR scheduling fluke by the way...I thought I was taking a class in childbirth-LOL) I met my new best friend, Kat, who happened to be a lesbian with a greyhound. She had the coolest beige Myspace page which she used to find her soulmate.
Day after day, my lbff (lesbian best freind forever) tried to get me to take a shower with her.
Finally, one day I gave in and we became more than just friends. Several years went by though, and we drifted apart. We moved away and rarely kept in touch.
Many years later I found out she married a hunky Hawaiian, Pat, and had 3 beautiful children. We reconnected recently through her blog. And would you believe she has gotten so popular she is hosting an amazing giveaway today?

And before you start sending comments on my history you knew nothing about, please go check out Mama Kat. Now.

Edited to add: My mom read this and unfortunately didn't go to Kat's site until she had a minor heart attack thinking it was true. She's fine now. Well, "fine" is a relative term.

Pin It!


Unknown said...

LOL - nice :) (especially the lbff :) )

Good luck to you too!!!

WheresMyAngels said...

That was good!! I love it! I might have to try that challenge, cause those prizes are good.

Unknown said...

LOL .. very, very funny !!!

I'm thinking that I might try the challenge, but I'm not sure that I could top your entry!!! Still chuckling at this end. :-)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I don't even think there needs to be a drawing. You should just win. Just like that. The end. Hilarious!

Mamahut said...

She's a crafty one isn't she? Hey come over to my house I have something for you. If you already have one, well have another, because your fun K? K!

Lindsay said...

I second Karen! I was thinking of doing this, but you've shamed us all with your entry :)

Merrie said...

LOL Well done! And I have now entered and can't wait to see what other people do! Seriously, I was falling for it for a minute there, and couldn't believe my eyes. What a sucker.

Anonymous said...

Very intriguing:) And thanks for the link - looks like a great blog I'll have to check out.

I think you deserve like 8 entries:)

The Mom Jen said...

After reading Kat's site, I was all "oh man that wasn't true..." but great take on the words! I was so believin'!!

Anonymous said... should get 2 extra entries for that one!

my2boyz said...

too funny!!!

KatBouska said...

Oh. My. God! Hilarious. I can't believe you TOLD everyone about us. ;) Just kidding, good Lord though, you almost had ME believing it!!!

I wonder how many people are going to use those words and turn me into a lesbian with a greyhound. Too funny!! Well played John Deere. Well played.

The three entries have been noted!

KimmyJ said...

Ha! Great, I loved it!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! You're a shoe-in!

Anonymous said...

Laughing hysterically, and much better than what I'm writing about.

Laura Marchant said...

That is so funny about your mom. I was totally thinking this was true until I checked out her blog.
Great write!

Chris said...

Now THIS was an awesome post! I especially loved that your mom didn't go to Kat's site right away! Well done!

Rhea said...

Your mom. lol Poor thing.

I think you did a great job! I'm going to attempt this soon also. I love a good giveaway!

Tiffany said...

You really want that apron, hugh?

Danielle said...

I knew what Kat was up to, but that your mom read this and didn't click over! Holy crap! That is so funny!!!

I hope she has recovered!!

Finding Normal said...

Your mama is so not fine. (Love ya JG! When can I come swimming anyway???) This whole post cracks me up, and I'm going to trust that this is like a Mad Lib or something.