We've had a good run, haven't we? From the moment I first saw you my sophomore year of college, I knew we were destined to be together. We started off as friends. I was a little shy. I liked you, but didn't know if you liked me too. Our friendship slowly evolved into something more. We began a love affair. We began to see each other more often. I knew we were going to be together forever.
Then things began to change. It started off small. A mistake here and there. Hey, we're all human. Then you just got sloppy and dare I say became complacent towards my coffee needs. First you gave me whip when I asked for no whip. The first time, I let it slide. But then it became increasingly frequent. I began to question your loyalty.
Then this happened. I suddenly realized one of us in this relationship cared more than the other. It was no longer a 50/50 partnership. I decided to give you some space. I didn't call or visit for a few days.
But after today, I don't think I can go on like this. When I ordered my grande, ICED, non-fat, raspberry mocha with NO WHIP...I held my breath. I nervously paid, hoping to see our issues resolved. But you betrayed me. When I was handed a HOT, raspberry mocha WITH WHIP, I knew it was over. I guess this relationship wasn't meant to be.
I hate to end things like this. I wish there was another way. I hope to see you again sometime. In the meantime, Folgers and I are getting to know each other. And I have to admit, he's not bad. Not bad at all.
oh dear, how can you give up those scrumptious drinks. Doesn't it really just piss you off when you spend an absorbent amount of $$$ to get nothing that you asked for...
Oh, no, say it isn't so! You broke up?! Do you need me to come by with chocolate and a shoulder to cry on?
(I guess now is the wrong time to tell you I've been seeing him too)
Dude, you're slumming with Folgers. I think you need some help.
I hear that he has a twin brother right around the corner. You'll never know the difference. Except the twin can hit all the right spots...
I hear that your recent post has driven so many Starbucks addicts to seeking other outlets that they are now closing over 600 stores!!!!
"You can't always get what you wanted, but if you try sometime, you just might find,you get what you need"--to quote the Rolling Stones. There is nothing wrong with getting your satisfaction at home.....WalMart's 100% Arabica is pretty darned good with liquid Coffeemate and it comes in flavors, too. I'm not sure about raspberry but I do know there is a coffee syrup that comes in raspberry and in hazelnut. I have a great recipe for iced coffee. I could share it if you like.
Just an Iowa girl---Linda
Some days I'm glad there aren't starbucks around. I go ballistic when McDonald's gets my soda wrong . . . I can imagine them getting my coffee wrong!
Oh no! Is it just the particular branch, or the company as a whole that is causing you such issues? Did you get the correct one this time? I'd be throwing a fit. If I drank coffee. I've never even tasted Starbucks, and you're making me very very glad of that.
I am so sorry that this relationship has had to end. Chances given and in the end just utter disappointment, really heartbreaking.
I feel the same when I order something and they get it all wrong, last time I just drove off when the oreder taker would not repeat my order, she just kept saying that she got it - well she didn't get it and off we went to a place that would serve us.
Speaking from experience, both with Starbucks and breakbucks, uh, breakups....it may be tough for a while, but really, getting it at home is not so bad....until it gets to the point that you decide you can go without it totally....
so frustrating!!! i feel your pain!
I'm not a coffee drinker but I feel your pain.
I heard on the news that starbucks was closing something like 600 shops.
Maybe because there employees couldn't get drinks right huh???
You should go ahead and invest in your own cappuccino maker. You'll ALWAYS get your order right then. Either that or support your local coffee houses. I used to work at one back in the day, and I'll say that they are much better than chain coffee stores.
If you ever need a coffee shoulder to cry on, you know where to find me :)
I think you should give Dunkin' Donuts a shot...mmmm, they are delish;)
Decaf Grande Latte for me, please! Starbucks is just about one of my only REAL vices anymore! BTW, please e-mail me with your address/phone--You WON the Pop'rs Giveaway! ALSO: Recipe Alert! Aunt Julie bakes a Strawberry Rhubarb pie at http://poprs.blogspot.com/2008/07/tasty-therapy.html. Check it out!
Don't fret sweetie. Time heals all wounds. You'll eventually forget all about that ass hole Starbucks. You're too good for him anyway.
I freshly grind my coffee beans every morning...and I get the good stuff.
None of the Starbucks around here are closing down, but I rarely go there as there is usually a queue going out the door and around the block.....
Break ups suck. Maxwell House isn't too shabby, either!
Sometimes, you just have to end the toxic relationship...residual feelings of love notwithstanding.
I'm sure she's a cheaper date, too!
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