This is my 200th post. Who knew I had that much to say? I started blogging on January 1. I don't even really know why. I happened upon Pioneer Woman and saw how awesome her blog was. I clicked on a few people who left comments on her site and decided it looked like something I would like to do. Between kids, students, food, animals, farm stuff, and the daily randomness that is life, it turns out I do have a lot to say.
And as a thank you to the 7 people who read my's a little giveaway!
I wrote about my purse obsession here. For those of you who didn't read it, few things make me happier to buy than a new purse. And...the wallet must match the purse.
However, I have a handful of bags that I do not carry because of this little obsession. So, one lucky reader will have their pick of bags. Can you STAND the excitement?! Let's take a look at the possibilites, shall we?
Option 1 is a cute purse I got for my birthday. (Thanks, Mom.) :) Sadly, after months of searching, I am convinced there is no wallet out there for this girl. She is a shiny, patent leather, limey green Liz Clairborne. She is lonely and needs a home.

Option 2 is a Sak that I have never carried. She is steel gray. She is simple and classic. She needs someone who can give her the love and and attention she deserves.
Option 3 is a 2 for 1 deal. It is a small brown Vera Bradley purse. (Don't know the name of it.) No, my sister, it is not from your collection. I swear you gave this to me legitimately. This purse comes with a large wallet that could double as a small clutch. It even has a detachable strap to carry as a small purse. While technically it does have a matching wallet, they are much too small for me to carry all of my stuff. So please, give them a good home, won't you?
If you cannot live without one of these bags, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me which purse you love the most. See how simple? A random winner will be chosen Tuesday evening, July 1.
Oohh FUN!
I love the 3rd option, the pattern is so darling! Thanks for the chance!
Happy 200th post sweetie!
i need to do this! i have a bunch of bags i've never used! i used to like wee bags until i had a kid, now i have to have medium or large bag! which is why i like your Sak! congrats!!!
Congrats on your 200th post!
So look at your with your fun!
I'm gonna choose Option 1 so Limey doesn't feel left out.
Although I'm still stuck on the previous comment where Quitecontrary1977 said she "likes your sak" mind completely went in the sorry!
Congrats on your 200th post!! I love the Sak! Thank you for the giveaway!
the mom-I was lovin' the Spanish yesterday. Que pasa?
quitecontrary-I agree with the large purse. It's necessary with kids! 1977? Me too!
Z's mind was right there with ya! :)
kamewh-Thanks for visiting! Good luck!
Congrats on 200 posts! woohoo! I am digging that green bag all the way. I need something splashy that will distract the average person away from my @ss!
AngieBaby, I'd be happy to take #3 off your hands. But I'd probably need to do the same thing in my closet, too.
I'm such a sucker for Vera Bradley. And, since I just found out work screwed up my paycheck, no way I can buy my own!!! Ooooh, I'd give her such a happy, well traveled life!
Green is my favorite color but in this case I gotta go with the Sak! It's big enough for my junk...errr, important stuff and a neutral color.
Great contest!
I'm going to go with Door #2 because I love me some dark purses. Seriously. Out of my 10-15 purses only 2 are NOT black.
Happy 200th! I think I'm approaching my 100th here soon. I must agree, who knew we had so much to say! I blame the kids for never letting us get in a word edgewise.
Ohh, how much would I adore a new purse. Unfortunately, I leave it to your other readers - I am about to be bagged down (get it... sometimes I wonder why I am so strange) by diaper bags again for another 2 years. Oh well...
I'm going with the steel grey "sack."
And happy 200 to you as well!
You know how I feel about lime green...
OOOOOHHHHHH pick me pick me! You have no idea the obsession I have with shoes and purses so if I am to get picked you will save my husband the heartburn from hearing I bought yet another purse (actually then i can buy 2 pair of shoes). I would do this on my blog but as stated I am a purse freak and can't bear to be without any I have. The lime green Liz Claiborne is just for me, anything with the word lime attached I love!
I love me a give-a-way!!!
I love the first option because it spoke to me. You want to know what it said? Crazy chick needs me. It did. Go on. Ask it.
Green is so my color!! I was born in May so my birthstone is emerald, I have green eyes, and I love gardening (see green stuff again!). So...I just have to pick option #1. I tend to be a black bag person so I need to incorporate my love of green into my accessories -- doncha' think?!?
Congrats on your 200th post! Love, love, love reading your thoughts!
Congrats on reaching 200 posts! I started blogging in January as well.
I was in a boot store today and saw tons of John Deere themed toys and clothing, and I thought of you!! SO, I think I'd choose OPtion #1 because it's green, I like green, and it spoke to me. It said, "I'm posh, girlfriend, you need me."
So, I'm here for it. It NEEDS me.
You look just as good today as you did then. Happy 200th!!!!!
Oh gosh, the shiny green one is super sassy.
Ooooooo! I NEED the green one. I adore it! Please pick me! I wear a lot of neutral colors and would love to jazz up my day with a colorful purse.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first one. Why? Because EVERYONE in the whole wide world knows that my favorite color is GREEN! And that green to be exact;)
And btw, congrats on your 200th post!
Congrats on your 200th post. I love option 2. It is just my style.
PLEASE BE ME!!!!...I LOVE the Liz Clairborne! Option #1 for me. I don't actually have a purse addiction of any kind but DO desparately need a new purse and how awesome would a shiney limey green one be! For me...Total Conversation Piece!! Thanks for all the blogging entertainment!
Congrats on your 200th post that's awesome!
We all love to hear what you have to say & the recipes that you share.
You inspired me to start sharing some recipes, of course mine are not as good as yours but I guess they're different.
You seem to be the cook while I'm the baker.
We could just send people back & forth between us & they'd get dinner & dessert.
If you decided to pick me I would love the little sassy lime green number 1 it's kinda sassy like me!
Thanks & congrats again.
My choice is number 1. Mostly because I love anything green.
If my daughter saw this, all she would have had to do was read the words Vera Bradley and she would have been all over choice 3.
I'll stick with my choice, thanks!
oolala! I love the vera bradley. Every time i even think about getting my own, my daughters tell me they are not for me. Too "old", cmon, I'm a gramma! Congrats on 200 posts!
I love the Vera Bradley set ... and I'll be very, very honest ... if I am the lucky winner I will share it with my amazing friend Andi. She LOVES Vera Bradley bags and I would be happy to share it with her!! I hope you choose me!!
I'm all about the Sak. Don't you think it would be a stylish way to carry all my junk around? BTW, I've got a new blog & I've got a giveaway going, too. Deadline is today, but we'll extend it for friendly folks like you! The link is -- hope to see you soon!
I know how you love to have that matching wallet, but I could care less... I love number ONE!
I like the Steel Gray purse!!!I am a purse nut. I love all purses and I want all of your purses but I would be more than happy to have that one!
Thanks for visiting & entering my giveaway! Make sure you send your info to, so we can FedEx you Pop'rs when you win! Also, we'd greatly appreciate a mention on your blog, as well. The contest is at
I love your blog and I think we might be neighbors? Are you in the midwest? As in close to John Deere? Oh well, the colors and recipes and energy from your blog are phenomonal.
I love the lime green and do love Liz Claiborne but I could be persuaded by the Vera Bradley also.
Rest assured the Liz C. woulld be happy here with my Liz C.'s but the Vera B.---that would be happy with me. I treat all my bags with the utmost respect!
Congratulations on your 200th post. You are a busy woman!
Linda-Thanks for stopping by and entering the contest! I am in the midwest, but not Iowa. Hope you are staying dry and haven't had any flood damage.
Congrats on your 200th post.
#1 would be my choice.
Psst...psst...over here...
This is Lula's closet.
Whew, I am so trying to keep this one from her, 'cause girlfriend done got 50 purses stashed up in me and I'm a sweatin' over the thought of another. She keeps saying, "I need a lime green bag," and I keep trying to show her the kelly green one she already owns. Enough with the green! And just last week I heard her sobbing over some yellow atrocity that Target didn't have on the shelf but did feature in an in-store ad. She bawled real hard over that one, yes ma'am. Lula just can't be pleased, I tell ya...not when it comes to them pocketbooks.
And I just can't take no mo' purses or totes or bags...'cause I swan, she gonna fill me up 'til there ain't no more. Gluttony is a sin, you know? A green purse. Oh, heck no.
--Miss Betty, aka Lula's closet
(Yes, she has a name--let's move it along, people.)
interesting!! Blah ha ha
I'm a girl that needs a luggage bag as a purse!! lol those all look like wallets to me ;) lol
Love, love the first one. It's so cute! Can't wait for it to be mine.
Congrats on your 200th post. I'm new to your blog, compliments of the SITS gals. I LOVE the green color of your blog - green's my favorite color.
Wow your so nice to do a giveaway for your big milestone! I really enjoy reading your blog so this is just an added bonus.
If I had to pick I think I'd like the Vera Bradley bag/wallet thing. Her stuff is really cute and pretty functional plus I like the pattern seems like it would do well with any stains!
This is fun!!!! Pick me Pick me!!! I NEED option 3!!!
Oh I love the second one. I love them all actually but I guess I have to just pick one, darn! I haven't owned a purse since my grandparents gave me one in junior high, sad huh.
Oh, I would go with Vera. By the way, I really like your wallpaper. It's pretty.
Congratulations on your 200th post!
Well, it looks like I arrived home just in time! Hooray! Count me in. My favorite is #2!
And if you like handbags (I know you just said you have plenty, but you never know...) or maybe even fancy diaper bags, read my post on Monday; I showed some that my amazingly talented sister-in-law made.
Finally, CONGRATULATIONS on your 200th post! I'm celebrating my 1 year (almost) with a blog design, and I am VERY excited!!! So glad you joined the blogging world, Angie...
Count me in on the 3rd option!!
Congrats on your 200th post, so great.
John Deere, my dad was a salesman for the company since I was a baby, he still works with them part-time today....very cool!
Happy 200 JDM! I am over from SITS and am loving (with a capital LOVING) the beautiful green one. If you are taking candidates from across the Atlantic - count me in!
I personally love the 3rd - the Vera Bradley! Thanks for the chance and happy 200th post!!!
I confess I am a purse-aholic...
I like the Vera Bradley, but #2 is calling my name too....I would be pleased with either.......
I'm sure I could find a wallet for that cute cute green purse (option #1!)
Thanks for the giveaway...I've never won one but this could be the start of something right!?! Congrats on you 200th post!
I'm doing a giveaway this week too...celebrating my 100th post (I didn't think I would have much to say either!)
I love me some green! :D Caute shiny green especially
I read that post about the baby(wallet) matching the momma (purse) I laughed and then I felt bad for all the purses that couldn't be used cause they couldn't be matched.
I laughed and thought-I would give such a good home to those lonely little purses! They would feel right at home with all my purses! They would make all kinds of new friends-like the purple crocodile purse-and the new baby added to the mix-my new D&G straight from china! So-you know that they would all be loved and taken care of.
My purses never want to leave-so we want more to add to the fam-number three would fit in perfectly!
So-even though it's random couldn't you rig it a little. you are the one who is in charge?
When I do a contest (next week) that I promise-you will want to win-I will recipriacte. I promise!
Have a fantasic day!!!
I'm sooooooooooooooooo diggin' purse #1!! I think its been a long time since I had a "grown up" looking purse that didn't double as a diaper bag!! :-)
Limey green Liz Clairborne is my fave. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
2 and 3 are my choices.. Although I love the look of the Sak, I would probably much prefer the Vera Bradly has I DO NOT HAVE ONE. :) so that would be an awesome snag.
I love them all as I am a purse lover!
But I would have to say.............the Sak as I would get the most use out of that one.
Thanks for the chance, hope I win!
Oh I just love the Vera Bradley - it is just too cute and we seem to have a brown obsession going on at my house!
Great blog -
Congrats on your 200th post! I love Option 1! Thank you for the chance! :)
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
Congrats on reaching post number 200! Now I'm wondering how many posts I have made (must go look that up).
Awesome contest- I LOVE the 3rd (Vera Bradley). Here's to your 200th post.
Congrats on Post #200. I found my way to you via SITS - glad I did, too!
Which purse? The Sak, of's hippie retro, but with an updated, sophisticated look.
Now, whoever put the words "hippie" and "sophisticated" together before?
Congratulations on your 200th post. May there be many, many more.
I could give a good home to the Vera Bradley. It's rather cute...
OK, once again I am going for last place. Apparently that is where I belong, it must be. I think I commented on the purses before, but, me being me, didn't do it right! I would love the steel grey bag, he is a beaut. I have lots of freinds for him to hang out with. Really! Anyway congratz on the 200th post. Isn't it fun? I am coming up on my 200th and you have inspired me. My purses are not as lovely as yours. Hmmm I will have to work on that one.
200 posts! that's amazing! congratulations! i'm loving the purse in photo number 1 - i'm a sucker for that color! :)
I love your blog! You are so funny! Congrats on your 200th! I think I really like the vera!
Oh, I love #1!!! Too cute! And I think I have a bit of a Liz Claiborne purse fetish!
What a great idea. This is a super way to have a blogging contest. I may "borrow" your idea for some of my obsessions. :) My favorite is for sure the third option! It is a great looking purse.
Cool #2 is the one I would love to add to my collection!
Happy 200! I too am a purse person, however with my current unemployed situation, I have had to put a stop to shopping. Well, STOP, is a strong statement. It has been more like a reduction... ANYHOW. Who could pass up that lovely green one. It isn't John Deere Green, but it does the trick :)
Happy 200! Found youf rom your from SITS, we are proud members of the Sitsahood!!
I like the 3rd option, the Vera's, they are really cute!
Be sure to check us out if you get the chance!
Happy 200th post!!! I think I like the first one, the color is different :)
Congratulations on your 200th post! I really enjoy reading your blog. I'm so glad I was directed your way. I love option 2 and I'd love to give her a new home.
Happy 200th post! I'm new to your blog, I discovered you thru the SITSTA's site:) The purses are all too cute, think I'd go with the tidy lookin' Sak!
I like #2 - the Sak purse.
Steel Grey is tough and cool and makes up for the fact that most of the time I have baby spit (or poop) on me, my hair isn't done and I'm not wearing makeup. It looks easy to stuff MY things into, as opposed to the 973 things that belong to my three children.
And I would hug it and squeeze it and call it George.
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